What is not covered by your auto insurance policy?


Understand that the situation will be different when buying a car insurance policy.

This includes knowing exactly what your policy covers and what is not. By delving into these details, you will be able to make smart purchases that meet all your needs. In addition, you will understand all aspects that are not covered, so you are prepared in advance.

Although the details vary from policy to policy, it is helpful to have a general idea. So let us find out what your car insurance policy does not cover!

Your belongings

A car insurance policy only covers damage to your car, not anything in your car. For example, if you leave your mobile phone or expensive jewelry in your car during an accident, any damage to these items will not be the responsibility of your car insurance policy.

However, please be sure to consult your home insurance agent to find out if these items are covered by your homeowners insurance!

Car damage when someone else is driving

Although this varies greatly from policy to policy, most car insurance plans do not cover damage to your car caused by others while driving.Some policies cover friends and family members who are insured, while others only consider people explicitly mentioned in the policy. For accurate information, please contact your insurance provider.

Damage caused by natural disasters

This may be surprising, but most car insurance policies do not cover losses due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, and floods.If this is the case, you may have to purchase a separate plan for each of these disasters. However, some comprehensive plans do cover such disasters, so it is best to read the terms and conditions of your specific car insurance policy.

Damage caused when the car is used for commercial purposes

When your car is used for commercial purposes, the insurance company does not provide coverage.This means that if your car crashes while being used for commercial purposes, you will not be able to file a claim.If you really want to insure for commercial vehicles, you can add commercial vehicle coverage to your insurance plan.

General maintenance

Unless you have a comprehensive insurance policy, your insurance plan will not cover any scheduled repairs to your car. This includes changing tires or renewing brakes. Remember, a car insurance policy only reimburses your car for repairs required after an accident.

Final words

It is always a good idea to fully educate what your auto insurance policy does not cover. To find out the exact details of your specific policy, please contact your insurance provider immediately.